This run was the ying to the previous day's yang.
Setting out, the weather was completely opposite to the day before. Bright, sunny and blue skies. A very fast turn around. My calves were quite sore, but I wanted to get a bit of distance on the clock, so I took it easy, paying little attention to my time. I cruised. The wind was blowing. The sun bright but not fierce. A perfect day to be outside.
The tangle of roads and tunnels just outside of HKUST
I cruise up the only serious hill on the route, taking it easy and enjoying the ride. This hill should feel hard, but in opposite to the previous day's run, things came very easily to me.
I wanted to shot a photo of a brilliant metallic green beetle here, but it flew off just as I was setting up. Screw you beetle, I'm going to shoot a picture of this concrete embankment anyway!
Thanks to the previous days rain, beautiful vistas are bursting over the horizons
I cruise back the "hard" way, but find it relaxing
I really had fun on this run. The route was one I'd ran hundreds of times. It was hot. My calves were sore. But I was loving the rhythm and loving the movement. Pure pleasure.
I returned to the office still hot, but fully relaxed.
~ Joe
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