
Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Fully Sick - Monday the 7th of March, 2011

As the one person who reads this blog should know, I was supposed to have a race this weekend just past. Given the commonness of my late blog posts, however, that one man and his dog, probably wouldn't have even expected a post this soon. But, as fate would have it, last Thursday afternoon I started to get that "chills in your core/bones" feeling and by Thursday night I was feverish. I missed Friday's "leg stretching" easy run, but optimistically held onto hope for Sunday's race. In the end, letting go of the race was probably the right decision, as when I woke up on Sunday morning, I felt terrible.

So, I skipped the Sunday run, and, after having not ran for the previous 5 days, I couldn't hold out any more, and decided to head out on a post-dinner very easy run last night.

When I walked outside it was just very lightly raining. Not really the best weather for someone recovering to run in, but I was already there, so I headed out anyway.

As I ran down towards the harbour-side path I could feel the wind swirling in my hair (probably better termed a "mane" now, as I haven't had a haircut since my wedding!) and bracing against my chest, the rain beat lightly on my face, and I could hear it, almost the same as you hear rain against a tent wall, or against windows in squally conditions. I felt calm. I felt relaxed and I felt cleansed.

07/03/2011 Rainy Late Night Run
Looking up as the foliage of a tree barely stands-out against the dark clouded sky

07/03/2011 Rainy Late Night Run
Running along the harbour-side track, towards a tall building, pointing the way

07/03/2011 Rainy Late Night Run
The dim lights reflected in the wet tiles

This feeling of calm lasted well past the end of my run, but unfortunately my sickness returned and I developed a strange rather sharp pain in my right knee. A result of no running and then some, I suppose. I'm still feeling sick, the day after the run, but have decided not to let this 'flu stop me from doing the things I love, even if I can only do them in smaller doses.

I'm very much looking forward to my next slow, easy run.

See you on the roads
~ Joe

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