
Thursday, 24 February 2011

Perfect Conditions, Imperfect Condition - Tuesday the 15th of February, 2011

After a rest on Monday after the KOTH race, I decided Tuesday was a good day to get back into it with a relaxed run up the hill towards Tseng Lang Shue. My body was still decidedly suffering and it was a slow slow run, but I couldn't ask for better conditions, with the ground mostly dry-ish, but plenty of low cloud.

15/2/2011 Easy 8km Recovery Run
Out across the bridge and up the hill

15/2/2011 Easy 8km Recovery Run
Lost belongings

15/2/2011 Easy 8km Recovery Run
Naturally Pink

15/2/2011 Easy 8km Recovery Run
A tangle of branches against the cloudy sky

In retrospect, the cold/flu that was setting-in almost certainly contributed to this run feeling harder than it normally would. At the time I dismissed it still being tired from the weekend. Despite that, after this run, I felt so relaxed and calm... Very positive and looking forward to the next run. Unfortunately, the very next day my symptoms appeared and I didn't get another run in for 9 days!

See you at the doctor's office!
~ Joe

1 comment:

  1. Hope tis better now Joe; looking forward to some new snaps
