The last couple of weeks have been glorious weather for running, but that all ended this week with a return to relentless sun and tropical heat.
I wore the CompressRX Calf Guards again on this run, and as before, experienced more tired calves than I expected at the start of the run. I'm almost ready to believe that the calf guards are making my calves seem more worn out at the start of a run! After a good 5km however, I don't notice them, and they are terrific for post-run recovery. I can't see their benefit for short runs, even if my calves are sore from a previous run... I might have to only wear them on long runs from now.
Bright sun, but some respite along the tree covered sections of the trail
An open section of trail looking towards Hang Hau. The automatic panorama mode has made the buildings look all Pisa.
Running alongside Po Lam among the residential towers
The little trail linking the road sections provides a little break from both the sun and the soul-crushing hill.
Back on campus and heading along the road to my end point. Deep blue sky with no help from the clouds.
Time to start trying to increasing my pace for the winter races. I've noted in my training log that despite my average speeds always dipping in summer, during this summer they've been particularly low. Need to work hard!
See you out on the roads.
~ Joe
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