
Monday, 30 August 2010

Flesh Unwilling - Monday 30th of August, 2010

Before the run my legs felt a little tired from the hike on the weekend (if people are interested, I'm happy to post up some photos from the hike here) but once I started, my legs felt... completely fried. I had picked a route that is mostly downhill at the start, the new variation of the UST to Sai Kung return.

On the right edge, the bridge that I'd just ran across, and straight ahead, the hill that I'd later struggle up.

Down, down, down.

Since my legs were so tired on the way down the hill I decided to cut it short, and omit the middle flat section. This didn't solve all my problems as I struggled up the hill, briefly walking at one point, and stopping at another to take a photo of this guy:

Thanks buddy, I really appreciated the excuse to stop on this super steep section.

The route was quite similar to Wed the 18th.

Wow, what a tough run. Certainly very, very hot conditions made things worse, but despite being only ~20km, the hike on the weekend annihilated my legs. Another day of rest and I should be golden for a run on Wednesday!

Pain is only weakness leaving the body!

~ Joe

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